Under Siege

A role-playing game organized by the Multimodal Research and Reading Group

Under Siege is a hybrid role-playing game which brings together elements of code-based interactive narratives and physical adventure games through the use of digital and material resources. The story revolves around an unprecedented and challenging situation that puts our School of English as a physical location at the center of attention. Players participating in the game are asked to work collaboratively in teams so as to solve a series of puzzles and riddles revolving mostly around pop culture, and American and English literature. The game blurs the boundaries between physical and virtual space, since gameplay takes place both in the physical space of the Aristotle University and in the digital space of the computer. The game is conceptualized, constructed and coordinated by the Multimodal Research and Reading Group of School of English (AUTh).

Where: at the Department’s Library Room (308) – this is our meeting space (action will continue in different rooms of both Philosophy Buildings)
When: Thursday 27/6/2019
What time: 14:00-17:00
Language: English

As there is a limited number of participants, students interested should reserve a place beforehand, filling in their personal info in the following link.

Find more about our Multimodal Research and Reading Group here.

Under Siege