Globalizing the Community College Curriculum: Add Food and Stir

The Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS); the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy (CERCLL); the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS); and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) at the University of Arizona invites you to our 7th annual conference for Community College educators on January 20-22, 2023. We are seeking proposals for 15 to 20-minute presentations from community college educators in all fields, to facilitate practical, engaging discussions about projects they have developed to internationalize their instruction through the topic of food and cuisine. 

Deadline and Notification of Acceptance: The deadline for the submission of abstracts is November 28, 2022. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by December 16.

Limited funding for this in-person event will be available for out-of-town presenters’ housing, and three meals will be included for all participants as well.

Abstracts should be submitted online. See the call for proposal and further details hereContact information: If you have any questions or concerns, please email Abby at or Katrina at

CFP: 22nd SLAT Interdisciplinary Roundtable
The Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Student Association (SLATSA) at The University of Arizona cordially invites your in-person participation in the 22nd SLAT Interdisciplinary Roundtable at the University of Arizona on Saturday, Feb 4, 2023.

The theme of the 2023 SLAT Interdisciplinary Roundtable is Collaboration and social change in world language education and research.
The ideas that feed this theme revolve around the following:

  • How do we adapt the way we do our work based on the changing ways based on ways we are living and working in a socio-political context?
  • How do we use our privileges, skills, positions, and knowledge to create spaces of empowerment?
  • How do we embrace collaboration and impact the field of language education and research through collaborative practices?

The deadline for submissions is Friday, December 2, 2022.

The Roundtable is an annual conference organized by and for graduate students and faculty with interests in the linguistic, cognitive, instructional, and socio-cultural dimensions of L2 learning and teaching. Organizers also seek projects that demonstrate collaborative research between graduate students and faculty.

More details and the submission form are here.

Applicants will be notified of their submission status by early January 2023.

Inquiries can be addressed to the Roundtable Committee members Amable,, or Asya,

Calls for Papers