Active Citizenship: The Role of New Media in Literary and Educational Practices

Postdoctoral research

Despoina Feleki‘s postdoctoral research project, titled “Active Citizenship: The Role of New Media in Literary and Educational Practices,”  investigates the repercussions of the wired social media interactions of contemporary Anglophone writers who employ literary voice in tandem with digital form as a means of social mobilization. 

As a researcher and educator in Greek State Education Feleki explores methodological ways of effectively building advocacy and active citizenship in Greek schools. She engages High School learners with the School of English (AUTh) and the Narrative Lab in educational and literary projects in order to measure, study and draw valuable conclusions about the entangling power of literature and social media to raise young people’s awareness and energize their participation in collective instances of activism.

Short Bio

Despoina Feleki is Post-doctoral Researcher and Adjunct Lecturer in the School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. 

She also serves as appointed School Educator in Greece. She completed her MA studies in European Literature and Culture and her PhD in Contemporary American Culture in the School of English (AUTh). Feleki teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses and organizes workshops on fiction and pedagogy, focusing on the intersections between textuality and digitality, and on how these affect literary and educational practices. Her other academic and research interests include Contemporary Anglophone Literature, World Literature, Popular Culture, Fandom and Videogame Studies. Her monograph, entitled Stephen King in the New Millennium: Gothic Mediations on New Writing Materialities, was out by Cambridge Scholars Publishing in 2018. She is the co-editor of the Special Issue for the HELAAS online open access journal Ex-centric Narratives: Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media under the title “Popular Culture in a New Media Age: Trends and Transitions.” Some of her published articles appear in Ex-centric Narratives: Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media (HELAAS), in GRAMMA: Journal of Theory and Criticism: Digital Literary Production and the Humanities (AUTh), in Writing Technologies by Nottingham Trent University and in Authorship, the Journal of the University of Ghent.

Active Citizenship: The Role of New Media in Literary and Educational Practices