Tuesday 8 March 2022,
in English: 17:30-18:30 CET
in German: 16:00-17:00 CET

How can Action Research support language education?
What have your experiences with Action Research been?
hat are the tools developed by the Action Research Communities project and how can you use them in your context?

We will address these questions, based on the experiences of the European Centre for Modern Languages’ ARC project with action research – also taking into account the effects of the pandemic.

During the webinar we will introduce the ARC project, which was based upon the conviction that teachers are at the heart of the quality process in the language learning classroom. We set out to support teachers in European classrooms using action research as an essential tool for the development of reflective classroom practice highlighting ways in which teachers can enhance their self-confidence and professionalism.

We will then dip into the ARC Spiral as a basis for discussions, as well as showing tools that the ARC-Community has built for teacher education and telling you about some of the amazing action research projects that participants of the original project and the ECML training and consultancy workshops from 2020 and 2021 have been engaged in and how you can get involved in the future.  

Target audience: all language teachers from primary to university level and also to a action researchers from other fields who would like to learn more about language education. ­

Take part in the “Action research communities for language teachers” webinar